UP (his first word)
MOMMY (his favorite word no doubt, which has changed from "mama")
DADDY (sometimes he just says that whenever he sees anyone on TV)
BOOK (which is usually included in his frequent raps "bookabookabookabooka")
GOODY (he's trying to say "Good Night")
CAR (when we walk down the sidewalk he points to the parked cars "Car Car Car Car")
ARBOL (Spanish for "tree", it usually sounds more like "Abbey")
AG (he's trying to say "Agua", which is easier that "water")
MI (Milk)
He's very good at the first syllable, but not so interested in the rest of the word.
Dylan celebrated his first birthday last Sunday, and is walking all over the place now. Climbing stairs is a new fascination for him, and his obsession with technology continues (your cell phone or camera, remote controls, etc).
We've more or less given up trying to update this blog regularly, partly because every time you use a computer with Dylan around, he wants to press the buttons. The only thing you can do is find Elmo on Youtube and that entertains him for a while.
But Daniella (and family & friends that visit) posted some photos on Facebook. Try finding a tagged photo of him on Facebook, and then you can scroll through all of them (from newborn to 1 year old).
Jeremy Joseph

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